Σύντομη περιγραφή
Whether you’re cleaning your teeth or your hair, washing the dishes or your clothes, if your Dad is shaving or your Mum is putting on her face cream, or when you’re changing your little brother/sister’s nappy, you’re probably using a P&G product. We make famous brands that are sold all over the world with one aim in mind – to make your everyday life a little bit better or just a little bit easier.
Throughout our company’s history, we’ve delivered product innovations such as Pampers, Always, Swiffer, Pantene, Ariel and Gillette and Fairy. We’ve also driven social innovations with programs such as Children’s Safe Drinking Water and we helped Consumers Make More Sustainable Choices with innovations such as Head and Shoulders Beach Plastic Bottle.
This is our story, the story of innovation at P&G, a company that began with a bar of soap, a box of candles, and a handshake between two men who believed everyday products could and should be of the highest quality. Their belief inspires P&G people throughout the world still today.
Theodora Vogli – Talent Acquisition Leader Greece
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