EURAXESS Startup Hub Webinar #2 – Discovery and Validation with Scientific Method: Lean Startup Approach

EURAXESS Startup Hub Webinar #2 – Discovery and Validation with Scientific Method: Lean Startup Approach

Dear all,

We kindly inform you that the ERA Talent project, specifically the subtask 5.1.4 Entrepreneur Leadership Training – EURAXESS Start up Academy will organize the second webinar, with the title “Discovery and Validation with Scientific Method: Lean Startup Approach”, on Thursday, November 9th, 12:00 CET. You can find all details about the topics and speakers, including registration form (registration is mandatory for participation), here: or in a poster attached for this email.

The webinar is for researchers of all career stages, working in academia or elsewhere, with interest to pursue startup entrepreneurship career. It is a part of EURAXESS Startup Hub Entrepreneur Leadership Academy program, implemented by the EURAXESS Startup Hub, one of the five pillars of the EURAXESS services developed within the above mentioned project. Find more about this program and other webinars planned with it, here:

We would be truly grateful if you could share the invitation (in attached pdf) with your contacts and spread it among the researchers through relevant communication channels you have access to. For using social media channels, you can refer to the LinkedIn post with the webinar announcement, published here:

Sharing this information will be hugely appreciated, please help us to bring cumulative and so diverse EURAXESS expertise closer to researchers of all career stages. 

Many thanks in advance and best regards,
EURAXESS Startup Hub team