Call for application for Letten Prize | for young researchers in the fields of health, development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life

The Letten Prize
The purpose of the prize ‘is to recognize younger researchers’ contributions in the fields of health, development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life’. Furthermore, ‘the prize aims to raise public awareness of how research can be used to solve global human development challenges’.

The Letten Prize is an international prize for young researchers (under the age of 45) that conduct research aimed at addressing global challenges within the fields of health, development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life. 

The winner is awarded 2,5 million NOK (ca. US$235 000) to be used for research activities. The prize is open to researchers from all around the world. 

The application deadline is February 6th, 2023.

For more information, please visit: Criteria (